Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tell me your secrets

Admittedly, what I don't know about parenting is a lot. For example, how to make veggies more enticing to a 2-year-old. Or what is the best method of discipline. And, of course, when to step in and rescue and when to let him resolve the situation himself.

But beyond that, what I've become obsessed with lately is why y'all are holding out on me with some obviously key information. 

How do you juggle it all? What does everyone else know that I don't?

I work with three people who also have 2-year-olds. Two of them have 6-year-olds as well and the other has a newborn. And they're all doing great. They look good, they go to the gym, they talk about the books they are reading, the TV shows they are watching, the movies they see, the places they go, their weekend adventures ... you know, normal stuff people do. They make everything from scratch ... all organic and sustainable and perfect (which, in Australia, requires shopping at multiple stores because the regular markets don't swing that way). And I marvel. 

People think I'm anti-TV because I don't know any of the shows they talk about. I'm not. I love TV. I miss TV. I used to let reality drift away with hours spent binge watching old Law & Order episodes or Book TV on CSPAN.

My workouts now consist of 10-15 minutes of yoga in the morning and 100 crunches, and doing three sets of 40 squats while making dinner (fewer if I do these while holding M, because, whoa, he's getting heavy). I try to sneak away at lunch to get some treadmill time, but rarely do this more than twice a week.

I stream NPR, ABC (the Australian one, not the American one) and Ted Talks while I work to try and keep informed (the news) and inspired (the Ted Talks - this also counters the depressive nature of the news). But if it's not there, I most likely don't know about it.

I've met people in Oz I think could be friends, but when does one manage to sit down and have an uninterrupted conversation with someone to be able to get to know them? 

I feel like every day is a race. And every day I start it farther and farther behind. No one is getting the best of me ... not M, or B, or my employer, or me. I keep thinking, I'm so much better than this.

Writing this post has taken me almost three months now.

But you ... you look amazing and seem to have it all figured out. 

What. Is. Your. Secret? 
