Saturday, June 8, 2013

Zed isn't dead

The first time M sang the Alphabet Song, I rejoiced when he sang zee and not zed for the letter Z. 

I worked hard to imprint the zee in his little baby brain for a couple reasons. One, every time I hear someone say zed, I immediately think "Zed's dead, baby." And two, I wanted to win. My alphabet, my accent, my Americanisms. Which is wrong and silly and selfish, I know. He is, after all, a citizen of both countries.

But I was winning.

Then last Saturday, M said "Ta" (for the Americans, ta is a common Australianism for thank you and it rhymes with saw/ha/paw/pshaw).
I paused.
"What did you say?"
"Ta, mommy."
The hubs grins. "He said 'ta'."

I immediately started keeping a mental list of all the Australianisms M uses instead of Americanisms.

  • bikkie (cookie)
  • wee (pee)
  • nappie (diaper)
  • trolly (cart or shopping cart)
  • jumper (sweater or sweatshirt ... actually, I'm not really sure about jumper, it seems to get used for a lot from pullover to coat and everything in between)
  • sand pit (sand box)
  • bin (garbage can or trash)
  • morning tea (a snack in the morning)
  • afternoon tea (a snack in the afternoon)
  • cuddle (hug)

Clearly his vocabulary is limited to that of a toddler and what fills a toddler's day, but sheesh, the Australianism seemed to be taking over.

But I still had zee.

Then Thursday, when M sang the Alphabet Song, he sang zed. And I knew I had lost.

Zed isn't dead, baby. Zed isn't dead.