Friday, December 23, 2011

Partake in paleo?

I'm making 2012 the year of the 30 day challenge.

Inspired by a TEDtalk, "Try something new for 30 days", I plan to either do something or not do something for 30 day blocks and see what comes of it.  Because, after all, I can do anything for 30 days.

Now here's the hard part.  What to do first? (BTW, B's input? "How about trying to not be a perfectionist for 30 days?" Pfftt.)

I'm leaning heavily towards a "no sugar" themed commitment and maybe kicking it up a notch with the Paleo Diet.  The concept is similar to the Blood Type Diet, which I did for several years in the "aughts", but the PD allows meat.  I have type A blood and, according to the BTD, I come from agrarian people and didn't evolve to eat meat, it would seem (or maybe we thought chasing a deer for three days was too much work when there were berries to be had, whatever).

The criticisms of it are similar to those of the BTD, too.  Too limiting, too hard to follow, can't really duplicate what our ancient ancestors would eat, etc.  The naysayers make some fine, reasonable points.

Here are the concerns I add to the mix:
1.  I do NOT want to lose weight.  I'm currently 10 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight as a consequence of the scarcity of time.  If my options are eat or sleep, I'm gonna choose sleep.  My reason for doing the PD for 30 days would be as a sort of detox (excuse me while I pop another piece of caramel covered fudge in my mouth) and get me back on track with healthful eating.  I'm worried the limitations of the PD will result in me eating less and losing more weight.  When I did the BTD, I ended up looking a bit gaunt in a hollow-eyes-&-sunken-cheeks sort of way.  I'm older now and reaching the age when a little bit of fat can help soften the wrinkles.  An all-organic, no gluten, no dairy, no refined or processed foods diet means more time needed for shopping, planning and preparation.  If I don't have the time, I may end up just not eating.  Also, by removing sugar and grab-n-go prefab foods, I will significantly decrease my daily caloric intake.

2.  I'll be the only one in the household workin' the paleo plan.  This will mean planning/preparing separate meals.

3.  Cha-ching.  An all organic diet will be spendy.  In order to not lose weight, I think I'll have to increase the food volume in order to maintain the same calorie intake.  We are currently a one-income household and remaining budget conscious is crucial.

Who out there has done the Paleo Diet?  What was/is your experience?  Are my concerns unfounded?

1 comment:

  1. I think your concerns are reasonable ones - but don't really have to materialize, honestly. I'm a single parent of two teenagers, and while I'm not dealing with an infant - I do have a full-time job and a variety of activities besides. You can do paleo without losing weight, and you don't have to eat all-organic, either - mostly organic will do (concentrate that on decent meat quality). And I'm able to whip up a dinner for myself in 20 minutes these days, and can feed both teens parts of what I'm eating as well (roasted veggies are a huge hit around here.)
