Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Brand You

... or "What my dad taught me about marketing".

I remember my dad once telling my older sister when she was about 12, "if everybody likes you, you're doing something wrong".  He was talking to both of us, but directed this comment to her after she said she was friends with everyone at school.

First, Daina is one of the most genuinely kind people I've ever known, so I'm fairly certain everyone did like her. And if they didn't, it said more about them than her.

Second, his point has stuck with me and remained a driving core value the rest of my life (despite it not applying well to 12-year-old Daina).  If you're being true to yourself and your value system, there will be people who don't agree with you ... some won't like you even.  However, by bending to the popular opinion of the moment, you will inevitably compromise yourself ... and maybe you will stop liking you.

Too often marketers craft a message that attempts to appeal to everyone, but consequently ends up appealing to no one.  It's Marketing 101 - know your target market.  Do your homework.  Discover who values what you offer - who you are.  Find their need, solve their problem.  Go where they are.  Use the language they speak.

Don't compromise yourself, your ideas, your innovations, your services to appease the masses.  If you do, you dilute what you have to offer and end up not appealing to anyone.

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