Sunday, April 1, 2012

Burgermeister Meisterburger

Okay, this is really hard for me to ask, because for years I've railed against sending kids out "peddling their wares" in order to raise money for schools, sports, band, choir, clubs, etc.

However, please consider buying a "FunRaiser! Book".

For a paltry $5.00, you get three free meals and one free sundae (plus several "buy one get one" coupons).  Bargain, right?

I know, I don't eat at Burger King either.

But, I do support my nephews.

And, I support what the Peninsula Wrestling Club is doing for the community.
Our club has many benefits for the body both physically, mentally and spiritually. Physically through calisthenics they learn the development of their body, working of muscles, flexibility, endurance, self control and how to compete. Mentally, they learn to interact with their peers, self-confidence, self-discipline, respect, sportsmanship and self-esteem. Spiritually they learn to love, give and believe.  Our club also offers every person a chance to experience joy, fun gratitude, appreciation tenderness, love, accomplishment and victory as well as pain, sadness, fear, loneliness and to act spontaneously.  With in our wrestling club young people find in themselves the capabilities and commitments to make positive choices and changes in their lives. We step outside of conventional guidelines to make sure of true success. The stronger we are as individuals and families, the stronger we are as a nation.  We are a large comprehensive family program.

So, mull it over and let me know if you want one.  I've got a supply on hand.

Just don't get too excited if you score the travel Connect Four game as your Kids' Meal prize.  It's not what B and I had expected.

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