Monday, April 30, 2012

The threat you don't know

A neighbor recently posted this sign (left) on their fence.  

We didn't even know they had a dog.  Let alone a possessed one (demonic possession assumed from the glowing red eyes of the dog on the sign, which the picture I took doesn't give justice).  We've never seen it.  We've never heard it.  And we walk by the house often.

The men in my life don't like to loll around the house and walks are an almost daily (sometimes twice daily) activity.  We walk to the park, the library, baby gym, or to the Mexican bakery or the farmers' market to get a little treat.  M has become used to dogs running up to the sidewalk as we pass and barking at us (he cried a couple times, but usually ignores them now).  The path to all these destinations passes by this house and we've heard nary a peep (admittedly, my personal knowledge is limited to evening and weekend walks, but B says they've never heard/seen it during weekdays either).

B argues it's the most effective "Beware Of Dog" sign he's ever seen.  It's simple, scary and official.  No burglar would want to dance with that dog.

It has me wondering about several things.
1.  What did this dog do to merit an official "devil dog" sign complete with glowing red eyes?  Did it bite someone?  Is it a requirement of owning a particular breed?  The lack of evidence of a dog at this house leads me to believe it is an incredibly well trained dog, but, sheesh, the sign conjures up images of some scary behavior. 
2.  Who at Multnomah County designs their signage and decided the image of the dog should imply demonic possession?
3.  How does one teach a child about possessed dogs?  Meaning, how does one teach a child about the threat you don't know?  And, how do you do it without making a child afraid of everything?

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